Successful Women and Their Stories

Successful Women and Their Stories

Success isn’t always about having a prestigious career, or paying off your mortgage before you’re 35... Success could mean being available for your children when they need you or simply being able to do what you love.

To celebrate International Women’s Day today, we are casting a shining light upon 3 amazing women. Here are their stories:

Veronique Smith
(Cop, Lollipop maker, Mother of 2)

Veronique is a cop and also a lollipop maker! All of Vee's lollipops are handmade and packaged in her own kitchen, in beautiful Tasmania. She takes great pride in making a premium quality product, using no preservatives and sourcing the best ingredients. Check her out @vees_lollies.

melvory skincare

She said, the meaning of success is to be happy and have a balanced work/life. Her one piece of advice to other women is to have fun, relax and enjoy.

Wise words indeed!

(Mother of 3)

Miin used to be an accountant/auditor before she became a mum. She is now a full time mum, giving her all to her 3 beautiful children. Miin is truly inspirational because she has the patience of a saint and does lots of fun and wonderful things with her children. I’ve seen how she sets up cool activities for them like baking pizzas and making ginger bread man.

Melvory Skincare

She says, the greatest joy of being a full time stay home mum is to be available for her children at all times, whenever they need her. And that, is success to her.

Nicola Rivett
(Small business owner, Mother of 2)

Nicola owns and runs Kids Eye Gear, a business that helps parents of young children with vision issues to get the best vision outcomes for their kids - by providing fun optical products, valuable information, and personal support.

Melvory Skincare

For her, success means contributing to her family, to her community and to others in anyway possible. She says, "Success in life will look different to every single woman, so don't judge yourself on what you think you should be or achieve, do what makes you happy and go at your pace".

What does success mean to you?

It's to be super comfortable in my skin.
- Cheridan Kerr, Dress shop owner & full time worker, Mum of 2

It means smiling every time I go to work.
- Sandra Senn, Owner of Hashtag Insta Prints, Mum of 2

Feeling content and enough. Not having to answer to anybody except myself. 
- Mariela Diaz, Owner of Awekids, Mum of 4

Success is being able to do things I love!
- Izza, Stay home mum of 2 & Uni student

Being happy and having a balanced life with loved ones and work.
- Jasmine, Owner of For Mae Collective (breastfeeding clothing), Mum of 3

Success doesn't just happen. You have to make it happen. And by trying, even if you fail, you have succeeded in taking the first steps towards your goal. 
- Rebecca Cameron, Nurse, Owner of In The Loop

Making a difference in someone's life. I'm driven by the need to help people. 
- Corrine Sultana, The Low Tox Project

A word from Elaine, founder of Melvory Skincare

My hope for women all around the world is to be truly comfortable and accepting of the person that they have grown to be, loving themselves for who they are and know that they are worthy of happiness and joy.

Happy International Women's Day!

Elaine x