Natural Shampoo and Conditioner

Why Switch to Natural Shampoo and Conditioner for my Family?

Natural Shampoo and Natural Conditioner

As scientific knowledge and research advance, there's been a trend to move away from harsh chemical in skincare products. Instead, we are moving towards more natural and earth-friendly alternatives that are not only better for our health but also for the environment.

These natural alternatives often cost a little more, and may be mistakenly considered by some as being not as "effective", mostly because they don't align with what we're used to (more on this later).

In this blog post we address the question you may be wondering … Is it really worth making the switch from regular Shampoo and Conditioner to Natural Shampoo and Conditioner?

We’ll address whether the benefits are real, and also whether the benefits are substantial. 

We hope to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice for you and your family, as to whether you should make the switch from regular shampoo and conditioners to natural shampoos and conditioners. 

why regular shampoo may be harmful for my family

Regular shampoos sometimes contain harsh chemicals that can strip your scalp of its natural oils. They may smell wonderful, but this is often due to the use of chemical fragrances which may lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Sulfates are a standard ingredient in many regular shampoos.

The purpose of sulfates is to create a lathering effect to remove oil and dirt from your hair. However, sulfates can also lead to dryness and flakiness on the scalp.

The delicate skin of children in particular, is more susceptible to irritation from chemical-based shampoos. Shampoos can unnecessarily expose little ones to harmful ingredients. 

Why should I make the switch to Natural Shampoo and Conditioner?

Natural Shampoos and Conditioners are free from harsh chemicals and toxins. This reduces the risk of skin irritation and allergies.

They are also gentler on the scalp and hair and support healthy hair growth, promoting better overall wellbeing.

In addition, opting for natural haircare supports eco-friendly practices, as many brands use sustainable sourcing and environmentally conscious packaging. 

By making the switch, you're prioritising the well-being of your family while contributing to a healthier planet.


What to look for when choosing a natural shampoo and conditioner?

When choosing a natural shampoo and conditioner for your family, it is useful to consider the following aspects.

  • Opt for Plant-Based Ingredients: Check the label for shampoos made primarily of plant-derived ingredients such as coconut oil, aloe vera and essential oils. Avoid synthetic chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and artificial fragrances where possible.

  • Look for Gentle Agents: Formulas with gentle cleansers are usually derived from natural sources like coconut or sugar. These ingredients effectively clean the hair without stripping away natural oils.

  • Load Up on Moisturising Properties: Where available, choose products with moisturising ingredients like shea butter or argan oil to keep your hair hydrated and nourished.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Stay away from shampoos containing sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and artificial colours or fragrances. These chemicals can be harsh on the hair and scalp, and may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

  • Consider Environmentally Friendly Packaging: Products packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials will help to minimise any detrimental environmental impact.

  • Cruelty-Free is Best: Look for shampoos that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals. Many natural brands proudly display cruelty-free logos or certifications.

  • Positive Reviews as a Guide: Read reviews from other users to gain insights into the effectiveness and performance of the shampoo. Pay attention to feedback regarding scent, texture, cleansing power, and overall satisfaction to determine what will best suit you and your family.

What can I expect when I transition to Natural Shampoo and Conditioner?

Natural Shampoo Produces Less Lather Than Conventional Shampoo

Upon making the switch, you may notice that natural shampoos produce less lather than regular shampoos. Because we're used to regular shampoos, we may think that natural shampoos are not as effective because we don’t see as much lather (ie. foam and bubbles).


Natural shampoos cleanses just as effectively as regular shampoos. 

However, they do not make use of synthetic foaming agents, and thus produce less lather than regular shampoo which we have grown used to.

Your hair may also take some time to adapt to new formulas, especially if you are used to regular shampoos. Be patient as your hair adjusts to the gentler ingredients. 

Overtime Your Hair Will Benefit from the Switch to Natural Shampoos and Conditioners

Natural shampoos and conditioners cleanse without harsh chemicals, leaving your hair feeling softer and less stripped of its natural oils. This may become apparent as early as within the first month or so of use. 

Over time, you may also begin to notice improvements in scalp health. Natural ingredients can soothe irritation and balance oil production, reducing issues such as dandruff or itchiness.

With continued use, you may also experience long-term benefits such as healthier hair growth and improved shine. 

Not all Natural Shampoos and Conditioners are the Same

Just as not all conventional shampoos are the same, not all natural shampoos are the same. You may need to experiment with different formulas to find the one that works best for your hair type and personal preference.

Switching to a natural shampoo and conditioner is best viewed as a journey.

Be patient as your hair adapts, observe the changes to determine whether a particular formulation suits you and your family, and ultimately enjoy the benefits of using products that are better for you and the environment. 

Mevlory’s brand new Natural Shampoo and Conditioner

If you are looking to make the switch from Regular Shampoos and Conditioners to Natural Shampoos and Conditions, you may wish to consider Melvory’s brand new products!

Our Mandarin & Chamomile Natural Shampoo is a gentle, tear-free formula specially created for the delicate care of your scalp and hair. 

It is made with organic all natural ingredients, and is suitable for babies and adults alike.

The natural properties of chamomile and bamboo extract help relax the scalp, making it perfect for tender heads and sensitive skin. It is curly-hair friendly too!

Free from sulfates, parabens, and other harmful chemicals, it ensures a mild and safe cleansing experience for you and your little one's precious locks.

Our carefully balanced formula ensures a thorough cleanse, without stripping away your hair's natural oils. Enjoy a refreshing wash that leaves your hair feeling clean, light, and full of natural shine.

Our Mango & Argan Oil Natural Conditioner is a powerful blend that is designed to fortify each strand of your hair - making your hair strong, incredibly smooth and easy to comb through even when wet.

It is enriched with hibiscus, rice protein, bamboo, argan oil, and pathenol and smells wonderfully of natural mango oil. It’s a sure treat for your senses, and even little ones will be excited to use it during bath time!

Our formulation does not leave a residue on your scalp, but will make your hair feel light and bouncy (no more flat hair!)

Melvory’s plant-based shampoo cleanses the hair without stripping your scalp of its natural oils. Our conditioner, enriched with bamboo and rice peptide, hydrates and strengthens your hair. Using both Melvory Shampoo and Conditioner together will make your hair feel smooth, shiny and super soft! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at and one of our friendly pharmacy-trained staff will assist you.

*The information provided is general in nature and not intended to be medical advice. If you have concerns and are in doubt, always seek the advice of a medical professional.